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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 3:48 pm

Storm watched as the she-wolf wiggled her way out of the bush and stepped into full view. He didn't bother answering at first, studying her and seeing what she looked like and what kind of skills she might have. Pandora would be better at this... He thought as he scrutinized her. She was had a mottled light grey, dark grey, and white pelt, giving her the appearance of silver fur. Her eyes were also gray, with a few light patches here and there that made them glisten with an mirage of silver. Although lean, with an obvious loner appearance, she seemed strong and free-willed, judging by the tone she had taken. To an Alpha no less.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt and telling himself that she was probably just nervous that a male wolf like him had singled her out, he replied, "Greetings, she-wolf. My name is Storm. Please do not be frightened. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk." Giving her a few seconds to digest that, he then added, "I am the Alpha of this small pack, and my mate and I are currently looking for more members. I do not want to pressure you, so I will give you a choice. Do you want to join our pack, or just leave on your way, continuing you life as a loner?"


Pandora nodded slightly in satisfaction when the male wolf lowered his stance a little bit into a position of submission. That meant he had been in a pack at some point in his life, although what pack and how long, she didn't know. She also liked how he listened intently to her, even though she was lesser in size than him. "Well met, Loner Zeff." She answered, nodding to him. "Pleasant to meet you. If you don't mind, I would like to inquire as to what pack you came from, and how long it has been since you left. You have a very well mannered education in dealing with Alphas, and I like that about you."

As Pandora studied Zeff, she noticed his large, well muscled frame and healthy state of his fur. Even while being a loner, he had been able to hunt enough to stay healthy and of appropriate weight. Judging from his size and apparent strength, he would be able to take down a fully grown doe, at least. After a moment, the she-wolf said, "I do not suppose you would be looking for a pack to join?"
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PostSubject: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 8:09 pm

Zeff subtly observed the Alphess’ reaction as she sized him up, and figured he had presented a pretty good first impression. He absentmindedly swished his tail slowly through the cool evening air as he considered her questions, grinning slightly at the compliment. Of all the things Zeff occasionally got reprimanded for, being disrespectful was not typically among them.

Zeff flicked his ears, hoping he had heard her correctly. He didn’t dare be too optimistic, but he couldn’t help being excited over the idea of being in a pack again. A warm, hopeful feeling that had rarely showed its face during the last several weeks billowed through his dark fur.

Before he could get too far ahead of himself, Zeff focused on her first question. “I came from a large pack quite a ways east of here, it’s a good two or three day’s journey,” he explained. “It hasn’t been all that long since I left, only about a month,” he replied. He couldn’t help but think back to that fateful day he decided to leave the wolves he had been raised with. Even with the prospect of a new pack hanging right under his nose, a familiar rush of memories surged through him, although not nearly as intense as they had been during the weeks he had spent alone. “As a matter of fact I am currently in search of a new pack to join. It has recently come to my attention that I’m rather ill-suited to life as a loner,” he admitted, a small smirk crossing his face for a moment as he recognized the understated truth in that statement. “Might it possible that you are looking to expand your pack?”
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 09, 2013 1:36 am

Silver stared at the alpha eyes wide and mouth hanging open in complete and utter surprise. Join the pack just like that? Why this was the best day of her life! Her happy expression quickly changed to one of doubt. What if this pack turned out to be like all the others? Though she had to admit no other pack she had overset Ed or joined had ever asked her to join point blank when she first met them. She had always been chased out as another pesky trespasser.
She realized that the alpha, what was his name again? Oh yeah, Storm was waiting patiently for her to answer. Hoping the few moments were not seen as hesitation as it so plainly was, she stood straighter but not so much that it would been seen as a disrespectful posture. She dipped her head in a slight sign of submission, after all he was her future alpha...hopefully.

"I would be honored to join your pack, though I hope it will turn out better than my previous experiances with packs and more importantly pack life. Do not see this as pressuring me to join, for this is the best oppurnity I have encountered in many months. I would not like to pass it up...after all oppurnity is a bird that never perches."
Her voice was still level with his. She hadn't after all joined yet so she decided to let him know whichever way the wind blew she would always remain the same. Whichever descion he made that she would not change her ways for him as an alpha or for the pack unless it was with her own free will to do so. She had learned a long time age that people never change they just become better actors or they only change for themselves.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2013 1:46 pm

((Hey, Ghoff. It's Lightning. <3))

Having seen that her alphas were both caught up in two other wolves, when another came, Cassie tilted her head as his howl filled the empty air. She went towards to where the call had sounded and hoped her alphas would understand where she had gone. The song she was listening to was a sad one, filled with heartache, so much, that Cass tilted her head back and responded, her song relying the message. There is always hope for the souls who wait. She then started off, making her way towards where the song had sounded from and all she would do was rush. Her paws flew across the terrain and it did not take long for her to reach the area where another male was walking. She then barked out to him in greeting.

((Brain deeaaad. So sorry.)
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2013 3:47 pm

Hope was the word Crowe latched onto, it stopped him dead in his tracks. It couldn't be, months without seeing another wolf and at last, no, he had to be losing his mind, the pain was taking him. But then he caught scent, that, was real. It was a she wolf, and she appeared to him his eyes glowed and sparked as if he hadn't seen life in centuries. When it wasn't true, it was just wolves he hadn't seen in centuries. At least that's what it felt like to him. As the she-wolf truly came into focus he noticed other things, like he had absolutely no clue where in the world he was, nor how he had gotten here.

All the dark male could think to do was introduce himself to the best of his ability. "Hello, my name is Crowe, are you the one who sang of hope?" He asked, it was with reckless abandon he spoke, but seeing as he had been isolated for months he just had to know if what he heard was true or merely in his own imagination. The black wolf was hoping for some mercy from whatever entity put the curse on him to wander endlessly in heartache. He fixed a pale gaze on the wolf before him the scars of sadness evident in his eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2013 7:32 pm

Storm waited a few minutes, allowing her to think over her reply for a little bit. His ears flicked as he heard a wolf howl, a voice that sounded like Roza, back to one that had howled previously. Inside the first howl, there had been a call of longing and scars of sadness and heartbreak were evident in it. Briefly, he wondered what the wolf had gone through to experience such emotions. Probably the murder of their pack, or loss of a mate, or death of their pup. Considering he didn't smell any pack scent on the wolf, even from where he was standing, Storm concluded that the loss of a mate would have been most likely.

Turning his attention back to the loner she-wolf, he listened to what she had to say. When she was done, he responded, "Very true, loner. However, before we get through with the technicalities of the pack, I would like to know your name. I have told you mine, and, if you will be accompanying me to our new territory, I would like to know yours."


Pandora noticed the male wolf's reaction to when she asked him if he was looking for a pack to join. All the movements were subtle, but they were there. The slight twitch of his once still ears, a spark of light in his eyes that hadn't been there before, and the unconscious shake of his tail all showed that her question had excited him. However, before answering his question, she asked one of her own.

"Do you mind me asking you why you left your previous pack, if you are so ill suited for life on your own? A big, strong wolf like you would be a great help to the pack, but it can also be deadly. You also sound smart, which can also be a good or bad thing. I hope you did not leave the pack because you were banished for doing the wrong things." The silver-white she-wolf said. "But to answer your question, yes. My mate and I are looking for wolves to expand our pack. Once you join this group, it won't be official until we get to the actual territory. Think of the trip as a kind of trial that you will be judged for at the end. That result will tell whether you stay or leave the pack."
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2013 9:18 pm

Silver stared at Storm dumbfounded. So that was all there was to it? She told him her name and she would become a member of his pack? They must have been mighty desperate to be picking just any loners out of their woods. "My name is Silver. I'm sorry for not introducing myself before I was a little...weary." She told him dipping her head in respect, finally acknowledging him as and an alpha...her alpha. So this wasn't their territory after all. For if it was Silver would have given them a talking to about borders and border patrols. She had been wondering why there didn't seem to be any border scents stating a territory. She relaxed she didn't have to be on edge anymore always feeling stressed and anxious about every little thing all the time, and evaluating whether it could harm her or not. Looking around she could see two other wolves split from the pack. A male and a female, the male didn't seem to be carrying the scents of the other wolves so Silver decided he must be a loner like her. She smiled looking back at Storm. "I can't wait." She said breaking into a grin for once she felt like she was home, wherever it was.
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PostSubject: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 10:46 pm

Zeff nodded with understanding. He had expected this question. If he were in the Alphess’ position he would ask the exact same. It seemed very logical to speculate why a seemingly unerring wolf would leave a prosperous pack for a life with which he was displeased, yet he still found himself unprepared to respond. He hoped his hesitation would not be taken as bad sign, but he had decided it would be better to create a well put together answer rather than just spitting out some quick half-hearted story.

“I do not mind, although I hope you will not hold my answer against me,” he began, looking straight at Pandora through a tenative golden gaze. “I was born and raised in that pack, but as I got older things grew more and more…tense. The alpha did not appreciate my charisma, or the way the other pack members looked to me for direction,” he explained. Zeff realized this was the first time he had truly tried to examine the fallout with his pack from what he hoped was an unbiased view.

“He had me constantly working the low ranking tasks and tried to shove me around, so finally I gave it back to him, I'm not sure whether or not I would have won, but I didn’t actually want a fight so I just left.” Zeff watched cautiously for her response. “I don’t regret what I did,” he concluded firmly. Although he worried it would hamper his chances of joining the new pack, he felt assuaged by finally getting that off his chest, like a boulder had been lifted from his broad furry shoulders.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 1:01 pm

Seeing the look on the she-wolf, Silver's, face and correctly assuming what it meant judging from the slight disbelief in her tone at her next words, Storm added, "I know what you are thinking and I would just like to tell you that this does not mean that you will be automatically accepted as a pack member." He warned. "Nothing will be official until we reach our pack territory. This is like a trial run. If you prove in any way to be dangerous to any of the wolves, or a spy for another pack trying to steal a good territory, then there will be consequences. Depending on how severe your actions were, the punishments range from Omega positions to being put to death."

He looked her over once more before saying, "However, I do not think that such a problem will occur with you. However, may I ask what pack you came from, or what your past history is?"


Pandora patiently listened to Zeff seeing the scene unfold in her mind. Ah, yes. I can see it now. His Alpha had once again given him a low ranking task, definetely unsuitable for a wolf of his age, size, and ranking in the pack. Zeff retaliated but then suddenly broke off, turning and walking away. Although, he could have easily beaten his old Alpha, because he had very much underestimated him. Zeff has a drive that other wolves don't, I see that.

When the male wolf was done, she looked at him with her golden eyes, seeing that there was caution flooding his own. "And you should not regret it." She said firmly. "Your Alpha dishonored you and your abilities. You seem to have a natural leadership skill, which is why the others looked up to you. Your Alpha was worried that the other wolves would start to think you better as their leader and decided the best thing to was to give you a low rank. You are full of strength and intelligence. He never thought you would retaliate.

"You also did the right thing by walking away. Not many wolves would have been able to do that to someone who had undermined them their whole life. That was very honorable."
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 2:51 pm

Well that made more sense. Trail run, ok. But the death comment was putting it just a bit over the line for her. She shifted her paws a bit. Oh her history? Plain boring to Silver but she would answer his probing question.

"I was alone from the start. I never knew my father, who was a rogue and I only really knew my mother Dancer for a year before being abandoned in the night. I had no other siblings, they died their first week. So I was on my own after a couple of days waiting for my mother to come back I moved on. I was on my own. Luckily I was an observant pup and had watched my mother hunt many times sometimes even joining in when I got bigger. So I got by with keeping myself fed. I hopped from pack to pack, never exactly fitting in. I never quite understood the concept of higher ranking wolves. In time I stumbled upon this new territory rich with prey, and decided to come and see if I could call this paradise home. I didn't plan on running into your pack though. That was a piece of pure luck."

Silver watched Storm with a calculating eyes wondering if she had already failed this so called trial test.

Wolves addressed: Storm
Wolves mentioned: Storm, Dancer(mother)
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PostSubject: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 2:53 pm

When he had first arrived at the particular expanse of woods where he was currently standing, he had not expected to discover other wolves in the area, let alone speak to them about joining a new pack. Despite that, as he watched Pandora listen to his explanation and consider what he had to say Zeff was tremendously glad that he had.

It seemed remarkable to him that he had found another accepting pack of wolves so soon. Although he had yet to join the pack officially he could already sense that this was an excellent opportunity to re-join life in a pack. Slowly but surely the lonely, dank feeling that had plagued him for weeks while he had wandered solo through forests was making its departure.

As he listened to the Alphess’ take on his tale, Zeff smiled and flicked his dark ears, truly grateful that someone finally seemed to understand his story. “Thank you,” he replied. “I appreciate that more than you know. I knew I couldn’t stay there any longer, and I’m glad someone seems to be able to see that as well,” he continued, a revitalized spark of enthusiasm burning in his gaze. “So, are there still any openings for wrongly banished wolves in your pack?” he inquired, a small grin spreading across his countenance.

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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 1:00 pm

((I am obviously having writing problems for Cassandra right now))

Her eyes watched as the loner turned towards her, seemingly shocked that she had found him, and when his broken voice reached her ears she nodded her head, offering her own name up to him, "I am Cassandra. It is a pleasure. Perhaps you would like to come meet my alphas?" Her tail swayed behind her easily as she looked into the scarred eyes of the dark male in front of her. She felt for him, not knowing the pain he was going throughout but somewhat understanding how something could hurt so badly. Her offer was open for the broken souls, for surely the broken always wanted a new start and her pack would also need new wolves.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 3:09 pm

'Cassandra' a name Crowe had always liked but it held connotations behind it that no one but he would see for it was also the name of his late daughter. However this time instead of wailing as he had done every time their thoughts crossed his torn insides the only sadness shown in his eyes. As the say eyes are the windows to the soul if this was true of Crowe then his would be borne to all who checked his pale gaze for if on a bad day it would appear dead and cold, pale grey instead of the sparkling silver it should be.

This was she whom sang of hope in her small nod he saw the hope he needed to see. In reluctance his heart which wished only to wallow in grief, only to mourn for itself released its grip on his mind. He looked into the eyes of Cassandra as if searching for something and spoke at last "Yes, I would like very much to meet your alphas." His voice smooth, with a very slight southern tinge to it rolled through the air, warmer tones now escaped him as his face belied no emotion other than the deep rooted hurt evident in the clear gaze of the male.

(S'all gewd I feel like Crowe's thoughts should be in an Edgar Allen Poe poem book.)
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 9:38 pm

For once, she was nervous, she did not exactly know why, but it was the first time she had received contact with other wolves in weeks and the large expand of them sometimes made her nervous. Crowe stared at her and it caused her to grow slightly uncomfortable. The sadness was in his eyes and inside, Cass felt as though she could reach his tortured soul and heal it. That had always been something that she had wanted to do, but she had never felt the connection with another before, and so she had thought it impossible. Taking a deep breath with his answer, she smiled gently at him, before turning on her heel, trying to clear her thoughts of what was going on. She then looked back quickly, her eyes shining dimly, "Follow me."

She then took off, back towards where she knew her alphas would be, waiting for her. Her brown ears twitched as her lengthy body moved through the dense forest. She was not use to the area yet, nor did she think they would be staying her long, but just in case, she silently observed the area as they traveled in silence together. It did not take long before they came forth to their leaders, and Cassandra politely dipped her head towards them. There was no need for disrespect to be passed around.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 7:36 am

Crowe stood at the edge of a clearing, where there were others gathered. Silent was his presence, he stayed himself and stared directly at his paws, his worn paws. Pads cracked and caked with mood and dried blood had carried him many miles and had led him here. To Cassandra, though he did not voice it but he felt the same connection, as if somehow this place would heal the broken soul and heart of the dark male. That she would heal him was unknown to him but he felt as if a he were a small flower dying in the shade of the brush when a small ray of sunlight had peeked through the branches to breathe life into it.It would be redemption, he had ruined his youth and had paid the price, but maybe just maybe his penance was up and he could start again.

So with his sad eyes fixed on his paws he huffed a greeting to the others, and stayed put, on the edge. Wary and waiting for what felt like judgement. If they gave him the same feeling that Cassandra had he would surely survive and have a chance to make a life again, to right his wrongs. They would be his peers for his court, they would all be his judge, jury, and executioners for if they passed judgement and he was too broken to their eyes he would not survive another year. His heart would give up and his mind would no longer call to fight or continue and he would be no more. Nothing at all, a body, then bones, then dust. It was pure pain that resonated with him and that tiny ray of light. He waited for the alpha pair to come and address him.
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PostSubject: Re: Woodlands Rp   Woodlands Rp - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 8:29 am

Lissa listened as the yelling of a fae reached her ears. She flicked them in its direction. It sounded as if the fae was having a tantrum. Smiling secretly to herself, she sat down, curling her long tail around her paws. It was just a moment before a voice intruded on her thoughts. She heard the words, "I'll go and investigate the one who called out. You go to the other one." from Pandora and watched attentitively as she went towards the voice and Storm to the yelling fae. The grey and white female looked at Cassandra before yet another howl sounded from not too far away. She watched as Cassandra gave a howl before going off to investigate. When the other fae disappeared, Lissa looked around the small clearing. She was all alone, yet again. The rest of her so called pack had run off to meet other members and left her behind. Well, she wasn't bothered with that. In fact, she was glad. The grey and white fae liked it beter when she was alone. There was more time to think, and less time for interruptions.

After a few minutes of sitting, Lissa got to her feet and padded around the clearing. She heard a rustling sound and turned around to face Cassandra with a male wolf in tow. He was black with hints of brown in his coat. She looked briefly at Cassandra before turning to the new wolf with a sly smile on her lips. "Hello there, I'm Vasilisa, but everyone calls me Lissa. May I ask your name?" She was usually polite to strangers, unless if they had a reason for her to be disrespective to them. Looking closly at him, she saw the sadness in his eyes and wondered what had happened. But pushed the thought away as she waited for her alpha's to return with new packmates, if the lone wolves decided to join, of course.
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